Our Products

Screw Compressors
We offer screw compressors to suit your operations regardless of what industry you are in. Our range of screw air compressors includes fixed speed, variable speed, and our Evoluto super efficiency. Our rotary screw air compressors go from a humble 2kW to screw compressors larger than 300kW. Explore the range of rotary compressors on offor from our supplier or contact us today for help selecting the right screw compressor for your operation.

When regular pressure in not enough, this is when a booster air compressor is needed. Industries and processes PET blowing, laser cutting, pressure tests and abrasive cutting are among some of the widespread processes in which air or nitrogen boosters form an integral part of the installation.
Air Treatment
ALUP compressed air treatment solutions ensure your compressed air supply continues to run at high quality with low energy costs.
The compressed air treatment solutions available include line filters, compressed air dryers (refrigerant dryers and adsorption dryers), oil-water separators, condensate drains and air receivers.

Air Receivers
ALUP pressure vessels available in sizes from 200 up to 5000 l with varnish coating or galvanised on both sides are suitable for all applications. Our air receivers help prevent pulsation of compressed air, stabilise pressure fluctuations in the distribution system, protect the compressor from frequent starts, cool down compressed air which leads to condensate separation.

AIRnet Piping
AIRnet is a high-end solution to optimize your compressed air piping system. It allows easy sizing, planning, and installation of a piping network, perfectly adapted to your needs. The lightweight materials and flexible design reduce installation and maintenance costs. AIRnet is a safe and reliable option, and the best investment choice you can make.